My Time at Portia Wiki
My Time at Portia Wiki

This category lists all of the shops with buyback subpages, which list all of the items that a shop will buy from the player in exchange for gols.

Not every shop will buy every item, and not every item can be sold, even if that item seems to have a sell price (such as certain DLC items). The articles for all items that can be sold will list the stores that they can be sold at near the top of the page in the Sell Locations section of the infobox. If an item cannot be sold, the Sell Locations section on its article states so and the article is included in the unsellable items category. Items that have been sold to a shop can be bought back from that shop on the same day.

Some shops have a higher or lower daily budget than others; each shop will replenish their budget at the start of the day, and shop budgets will slowly increase as the days pass. For more information, see the Trading article.

All items (12)
