My Time at Portia Wiki
My Time at Portia Wiki
For items that cannot be bought, see unbuyable items.

Unsellable items are items that cannot be sold to any shop. This category includes items such as DLC items, unimplemented items, and some unique mission items.

All unsellable items can be stored in storage boxes or in certain furniture. Some unsellable items can be gifted to other characters or discarded.

Note: For items that can be sold, all of the items that each shop will buy are listed on their individual buyback pages. Additionally, each item's article lists all of the shops that that item can be sold at underneath the item's sell price.


Some unsellable items cannot be discarded directly from the player's inventory.

To discard items that can neither be sold nor discarded, the player can use this roundabout method:

  1. Put all undesired items into a Wooden Storage or other storage box.
  2. Fill up every unlocked inventory slot in the player's inventory.
  3. Pick up the storage box that has the undesired items in it.
  4. Attempt to put the storage box back in the player's full inventory, causing the action to fail and the storage box to drop on the ground. After a long enough verify ] amount of time, the storage box will despawn and the items inside will be permanently destroyed.

All items (150)
