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My Time at Portia Wiki
My Time at Portia Wiki

Monster icon Desert Hopper

Desert Hoppers are monsters in the Eufaula Desert that can be hunted for loot. Their elite version is the Snake in a Box.


Desert Hoppers are found in the Eufaula Desert, accessible after The Portia Bridge is completed. There are several groups of Desert Hoppers in the desert: in the southwestern area that is south of South Block, in the northern area near the edge of Eufaula Heights, in the central area south between the Desert Abandoned Ruins and Ingall's Mine, and in the southeastern area that is south of the Eufaula Tunnel.

Defeating a group of Desert Hoppers triggers a chance to spawn a Snake in a Box, up to once per day per group of Desert Hoppers.

Desert Hoppers range from level 26 to 30.


Desert Hoppers are slow creatures, with movement speeds just below that of the player. They travel by hopping, and, like other hostile creatures, they will attack the player on sight and are able to enter water. When attacking, Desert Hoppers will bite the player and may poison them.


Levels ExpExp Items
26-30 180 MeatMeat (21% for 1; 79% for 2)
VenomVenom (75%)
Snake MeatSnake Meat (54%)
Snake SkinSnake Skin (54%)

