- For other styles of umbrella hat, see Umbrella Hat.
Green Umbrella Hat is an accessory.
Green Umbrella Hat can be purchased at the following shop:
Purchasing | |||
Store | In Stock | Price | |
Total Tools Total Tools |
5 | 2,400 |
Green Umbrella Hat can be worn by the player or gifted. It can also be placed in a furniture storage slot as a decoration.
Green Umbrella Hat can be placed in one of the three Accessory slots in the Inventory menu to boost the player's Defense by 10.
Green Umbrella Hat is shown on the player's head when worn and, unlike most hats worn in the Head Slot, does not affect the player's hairstyle. It can be rendered invisible while worn by unchecking the Show Accessory option in the Game tab.
Green Umbrella Hat can be given as a gift to other characters. It is a universally neutral gift.
- There are four types of Umbrella Hat: Cat Ears Umbrella Hat, Green Umbrella Hat, Propeller Umbrella Hat, and Sharp Umbrella Hat. The Cat Ears Umbrella Hat is the only Umbrella Hat that is sold by the Harbor Trade Station; the other three are sold by Total Tools.