My Time at Portia Wiki
My Time at Portia Wiki

Feeling Safe is a main mission.


The player must have completed A New Friend and reached Familiar status with Scraps (two stars).

Required stations[]

The player must have the following to complete this mission:

Conduct of the mission[]

The mission can be started by interacting with Scraps:

Scraps Woof! Woof!
You sure seem happy today. Hmm...I wouldn't want you getting lost again. Maybe I should make you a collar.

Talk with Carol[]

The player is directed to speak with Carol:

Carol A collar? Wow, that's not the sort of thing I usually make! Don't worry, I love a challenge. I need some materials, though, ok?

Collect Materials[]

The following materials are required to continue:

Basic SkiverBasic Skiver Basic Skiver
Item Time Materials Sell price
3h  53Gols
Stone FurnaceStone Furnace Stone Furnace
Item Time Materials Sell price
2h 30m 9Gols

After the player brings the materials to Carol she says:

Carol Wonderful! I'll work on it tonight and send it to you.

Wait for Mail[]

Next morning he player receives the following letter from Carol:

Mail gift opened

From: Carol

Hey Player,

It was different, but I've made a collar for your friend. No charge, it was a fun challenge!
Bell CollarBell Collar (1)
Bell Collar (Book)Bell Collar (Book) (1)

A Bell Collar and its crafting book will be attached to the letter.

Find Scraps[]

With the Bell Collar Carol gave the player, the player needs to find Scraps.

Scraps Woof! Wuff!


Scraps will come to live at the player's Workshop after the mission is completed.


Exp Experience +800
Gols Gols +1000
Prompt guild Reputation +15
Scraps Scraps: Relationship +20
