After completing Panbat Infestation, Aadit has another commission to restore the trees that were drained by the panbats.
Now that the panbat issue has been resolved, we need to move quickly to heal our trees. The panbats took a lot of water and nutrients, we need a fast way of restoring them. We'll commission you for this job, can you help us?
I'll take it.
I'm not interested right now.
→ I'll take it.
Thanks! Petra mentioned she knew something about an irrigation system before, maybe you should chat with her.
Something to revive the trees? The ancients used many elaborate irrigation systems, I read quite a bit about them. For this we'll need 6 Data Discs.
Since we're building an irrigation system, you'll need something called a Small Engine. It's the machine that drives our cars and flies some of our planes. We don't have the know how to built these anymore, so we have to get them from the ruins.
Collect Data Disc[]
Upon giving Petra the Data Discs:
You have them? Great! It'll take a while to analyze all the data, I'll contact you when we have something.
Materials are at the base cost without the Artisan skill, which reduces the material cost when crafting on the Worktable.
After the player places the Water Storage and Sprinklers in the designated areas, a cutscene will play with water flowing from the river through the aqueduct and the sprinklers operating.
It's working!
This is the greatest!
Thank you for everything! Here's your commission fee. Now that we're back in business, if you ever need any wood supplies, you can check the box besides your home. We can afford some everyday! [ verify ]
After completing this mission, the Tree Farm officially re-opens for business the following day. The Tree Farm delivers wood and other items obtained from trees to the player's resource box every day.
Some characters have unique lines after the mission is completed:
I'm so glad the Tree Farm is once again up and running. I was afraid I'd be out of a job for a while back there.
Now that the Tree Farm is finally back in business, I think everyone involved in commerce can breathe a sigh of relief.
And we're back in business! Thank you for all of your help!
That irrigation system for the Tree Farm is very impressive...maybe I can use it for my farm?
It's great to see Big Bro in high spirits again. He was so down when the Tree Farm was closed.
A cloud has been lifted from my head. To tell you the truth, ever since the Tree Farm closed up, I haven't gotten a good night's sleep!
I'm so happy that the Tree Farm's up and running again. We really need it to support our Builders and the local economy.