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My Time at Portia Wiki

South Block Trade Post ico

South Block Trade Store is a shop and trading post housed within Yeye's Motel in South Block. It opens when the player finishes the South Block questline.


The shop in the South Block is run by Yeye and can be accessed by interacting with a cash register inside the motel. It is a normal shop and does not correspond to the Trading Post. Many of the items sold can't be found anywhere else outside of some one-time rewards or the like. However, some of them are also only rarely used or have no current purpose at all.

Relationship discount[]

The player can get up to 25% discount while shopping at the South Block Trade Post if they become friends with Yeye.


South Block Trade StoreSouth Block Trade Store
Item Amount Price
99 100 Gols
Sand TeaSand Tea
99 60 Gols
Ceramic JugCeramic Jug
99 400 Gols
Fire StoneFire Stone
20 600 Gols
Eye of the TigerEye of the Tiger
10 1,000 Gols
Golden GinsengGolden Ginseng
5 600 Gols
Military EngineMilitary Engine
1 3 Advanced EngineAdvanced Engine
Invitation LetterInvitation Letter
99 80 Gols
Banquet TableBanquet Table
1 10,000 Gols
Banquet TableBanquet Table
1 1,000 Gols
1 5,000 Gols


Main article: South Block Trade Store/Buybacks

South Block Trade Store will purchase the following items from the player:


ConstructThis article or section is a stub. You can help expand it. Comments: probably has to be moved to another page

To the right of the shop register is a board where the player can fulfill weekly orders from other cities for various crops, livestock or livestock produce, and materials in exchange for Gols. Prices and requested items/quantities vary from week to week. The player can pick up to 10 different items from the available requests, and can choose how many of each item they want to sell. Note: The order fulfillment won't be fully posted until the player confirms by selecting post. Just selecting an item amount is not enough. To double check, the player can interact with the board again. If the items are there, the order fulfillment is fully posted.

After setting their order on the billboard, a small wagon will be set outside the Workshop for the player to drop off their order. Players must fulfill the order by the deadline, else they will be penalized each time they fail by being able to take fewer and fewer orders in the future.

Interacting with the wagon will display the items promised, the amounts, and the number of days left to fulfill the order. The wagon is linked to storage chests, shed, and coop, so the items do not need to be in the player's inventory. Increase the quantity of each item to what was promised and then hit the delivery button to finish the order. Partial orders can't be submitted, and once an order is marked as delivered, the player will not get another opportunity to submit the rest of the order. There is a confirmation before submitting the delivery. Once delivery is confirmed, there is a short cutscene of someone taking the wagon. The player receives the payment immediately.
