My Time at Portia Wiki
My Time at Portia Wiki

Spray Bottle is a crafting book the player can read to learn a crafting recipe for the Worktable.


Spray Bottle book is given to the player by Xu at the start of the mission Moonlight Primrose.


Spray Bottle book can be used while in the player's inventory to learn to craft Spray Bottles at the Worktable. The book is consumed on use.

Spray Bottle recipe is automatically available after upgrading the Worktable to Level 2 without using the Spray Bottle book. Using the book after upgrading the Worktable will consume the book but will not add any recipes.

WorktableWorktable Worktable
Item Tab Materials Sell price
Parts icon
Materials are at the base cost without the Artisan skill, which reduces the material cost when crafting on the Worktable.


  • Though the book has a sell price, it cannot be sold to any store.
