My Time at Portia Wiki
My Time at Portia Wiki

The 5th of the Hulu Brothers, Wuwa arrived at Portia when the brothers came with their grandmother. He always loved the ocean, so it didn't come as a surprise to anyone when he chose to become a sailor. Now Wuwa runs a passenger liner that takes resident to and from Vega 5 and other countries.

Wuwa is a resident of Portia that the player can befriend and eventually marry.


Personal summary[]

Wuwa was born on Autumn of Day 16 and the fifth eldest son of seven brothers. Wuwa and his brothers came to Portia with their grandmother. Wuwa loves the ocean that he pursued a career as a sailor. Wuwa runs a passenger liner that transports people to different countries, having eventually taken the player to Portia from Barnarock.

Physical appearance[]

Wuwa, like all of his brothers, is a rather rotund man. He has short, dark hair under a light blue bucket hat with cyan circles and a purple headband. He wears small pince-nez style shades with blue-tinted lenses and has a thin mustache and goatee. He wears his light blue sweater vest emblazoned with the trademark calabash gourd and Hulu name over the top of a yellow short-sleeved shirt with white stripes on the sleeve. His dark blue shorts are patterned with random colourful splotches, and he has black shoes on over his white socks.

Related characters[]

Wuwa has lots of family members in Portia, including his grandmother, Yeye; his older brothers, Dawa, Erwa, Sanwa, and Siwa; and his younger brothers, Liuwa and Qiwa.


When befriending Wuwa, his relationship network with other NPCs will also be affected, resulting in the player receiving favor points from those NPCs as well.


Time Location
16:00 At Portia Harbor
20:30 Relaxing on a bench in Central Plaza

Time Location


Wuwa is one of the potential bachelors that the player can romance.

Upon reaching Friend status at four full hearts, the player can confess their love to him with a Heart Knot. If the confession is successful, his relationship status changes to Boyfriend. After Wuwa has become the player's boyfriend, upon reaching Lover status at eight full hearts, the player can then propose to him with a Wedding Ring. If the proposal is successful, his relationship status changes to Husband. Once certain other conditions have been met, Wuwa and the player can then try for children.

Additionally, upon meeting certain relationship levels, certain perks are rewarded.


Husband HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart 2Heart 2 +Wedding Ring
Receive help with domestic work and resource gathering, and a chance at receiving gifts first thing in the morning.

Social interactions[]

Interactions: Chat Gift Desires Spar RPS Invitation Play Date Dine Interact Photo Ride Relic trade Confession Propose Missions

Click on the icon to go to the respective section.

Social talk Chat[]

Dialogue →

Chat is a basic social interaction available at any relationship level. Chatting with Wuwa once a day can increase his relationship by 1 point, or 2 points with the Smooth Talk skill; subsequent chatting, on the same day, only results in the same conversation without any relationship gain.

Wuwa's dialogue may change every day and every season. Wuwa may also comment about certain events or missions. Higher relationship levels, including romantic involvement, also change Wuwa's dialogue.

Social gift Gift[]

Giving gifts to Wuwa affects the player's relationship with Wuwa. Every character has unique gift preferences.


  • Every giftable item, except for the items below, will have a Neutral (+1) effect when given to Wuwa.
  • Gifts given on festival days and on Wuwa's birthday will earn the player 2x and 3x relationship points, respectively, and will show a unique dialogue.
  • Values listed below are without The Giver skill, which gives an extra point.
Social gift Gifting Items
Gift LoveLove: +30
Gift LoveLove: +20
Gift LoveLove: +15
Gift LoveLove: +12
Gift LoveLove: +10
Rubber TireRubber Tire
Gift LikeLike: +8
Gift LikeLike: +5
Gift LikeLike: +4
Gift LikeLike: +3
Gift LikeLike: +2
Gift NeutralNeutral: +1
Gift iconEverything Else
Gift DislikeDislike: -1
Gift DislikeDislike: -2
Gift HateHate: -5
Listed values are without The Giver skill, which gives an extra point.

Desire head icon Desires[]

The following items are desires, or wishes, which are randomly assigned to one or two characters per week. The player is required to be at least at Associate level with Wuwa for him to be assigned a desire. More desires have a chance to appear as the player's friendship with Wuwa progresses; the new desires are added to the existing ones but do not replace them. Some characters may desire an item that they do not normally like.

In the event that Wuwa has a desire, gifting the wanted item will provide the higher tier points; otherwise, on non-desired events, the item gives the base point value. The birthday or festival day relationship bonus applies when gifting a desired item.

Desire head icon Desires
Minimum Relationship Level Possible Desires


Delicious Roasted RibsDelicious Roasted Ribs (+15)


Yellow Duck SurfboardYellow Duck Surfboard (+20)

Social spar Spar[]

Wuwa can spar with the player up to three times per day.

Note that the level in the table below is Wuwa's base level at the start of the game. Wuwa's actual level can be higher because Wuwa will level up over time.

Social spar
Level: 3
Relationship Rewards/losses
Round 1 2 3
Player Win
Prompt happy
Prompt happy
Prompt sad
GolsGols (5-10)

And 35% chance to get one of the following:
AppleApple (30%)
HerbsHerbs (30%)
Roasted MeatRoasted Meat (20%)
Herbal JuiceHerbal Juice (10%)
Baked BreadBaked Bread (5%)
Herbal MixtureHerbal Mixture (5%)

Player Lose
Prompt happy
Prompt sad
Prompt ordinary
GolsGols (1-5)

Social RPS RPS[]

Wuwa can play RPS with the player up to three times per day.

Social photo Photo[]

Group photo
Group Photo →

Wuwa can partake in group photos with the player after reaching the Associate level.

  • More poses are unlocked by reaching higher relationship levels.
  • Romance poses are unlocked by becoming partners.
  • The "Photographer" skill can fully unlock all poses, regardless of relationship or romantic level.
  • All poses can be viewed in Wuwa's Gallery page.


Social Invitation Invitation[]

Occasionally, first thing in the morning, the player may leave their house to find Wuwa outside, hoping to invite the player out for a date or play date.

Social play Play[]

Once the player has become buddies with Wuwa, they can schedule a play date together.

Social date Date[]

After the player has successfully confessed how they feel to Wuwa, the player can schedule a romantic date with Wuwa.

Social Dine Dine[]

If the player chooses to dine at The Round Table with Wuwa during a play date or date, it is recommended to order dishes he will like. If asked before ordering, Wuwa will sometimes tell the player exactly which dishes to order; other times, he will just give little hints. In the event that Wuwa does not specify the exact foods desired, the player should order between three and six dishes, depending on what hint he gives. It is recommended to order each of those dishes from different courses, ex. ordering one Appetizer, Meat, Vegetable, Dessert, and Drink course each, rather than five Desserts.

Wuwa's food preferences are listed below. The player is advised to use these preferences only when Wuwa does not tell the player what to order. If Wuwa tells the player a list of dishes to order or gives a hint, it is advised to follow his wishes instead. The full restaurant menu can be found at The Round Table page.

Play date eat Dining
Mount Very HappyLike
Mount NeutralNeutral
Everything Else
Mount Very UnhappyDislike
Main course
Main Course
Mount Very HappyLike
Mount NeutralNeutral
Everything Else
Mount Very UnhappyDislike
Mount Very HappyLike
Mount NeutralNeutral
Everything Else
Mount Very UnhappyDislike
Mount Very HappyLike
Mount NeutralNeutral
Everything Else
Mount Very UnhappyDislike
Mount Very HappyLike
Mount NeutralNeutral
Everything Else
Mount Very UnhappyDislike
Mount Very HappyLike
Mount NeutralNeutral
Everything Else
Mount Very UnhappyDislike

Social interact Interact[]

As the player develops their relationship with Wuwa, special interactions are unlocked, including Hug and Kiss.

Social Relic Trade Relic trade[]

Wuwa occasionally uses the Relic Pieces Exchange board at the Museum to trade for relic pieces. Wuwa likes to look at particular completed relics, so after the player has donated such relics to the Museum or displayed them in their yard, Wuwa may come visit the Museum or the player's yard to view these relics. Such visits will earn the player relationship points each time, with the amount dependent upon the relic.

Social Relic Trade
Relic Trade
Points Relics
Requested Pieces +30 Galloping Horse Piece 1Galloping Horse Piece 1 Galloping Horse Piece 2Galloping Horse Piece 2 Galloping Horse Piece 3Galloping Horse Piece 3 Galloping Horse Piece 4Galloping Horse Piece 4
+10 Sailboat Model Piece 1Sailboat Model Piece 1 Sailboat Model Piece 2Sailboat Model Piece 2 Sailboat Model Piece 3Sailboat Model Piece 3 Old Thermos Piece 1Old Thermos Piece 1 Old Thermos Piece 2Old Thermos Piece 2 Soldier with Lance Piece 1Soldier with Lance Piece 1 Soldier with Lance Piece 2Soldier with Lance Piece 2 Soldier with Lance Piece 3Soldier with Lance Piece 3 Soldier with Lance Piece 4Soldier with Lance Piece 4 Soldier with Lance Piece 5Soldier with Lance Piece 5
Favorite Exhibits +???
Old Thermos
Old Thermos
Soldier with Lance
Soldier with Lance
Galloping Horse
Galloping Horse

Social mission Missions[]

Legend: Main Mission NewSecondary Mission New major • Main Mission LocationSecondary Mission Location minor • Social play friendship • Social date romance

  • Main Mission New Main missions are listed in chronological order, based on the chronology list.
  • Secondary Mission New Secondary missions are listed in alphabetical order.
  • Major involvement is defined as being directly involved, is one of the main character, actively participates (such as following), or talks a majority of the time.
  • Minor involvement is defined as indirect involvement, only assigned as a task (such as delivering a product to the character), gives a mission or rewards but does not continue involvement, or only talks a couple of times.
  • Indented missions indicate succession of the previously listed mission. Further missions in its timeline are in chronological order.
Secondary Mission Location Dr. Xu's Book
The books for Dr. Xu will be delivered to the harbour, ask Wuwa about the details.
Secondary Mission New Without a Paddle
Gale received Wuwa's training dummy from Walnut Groove. Please help to bring it to Wuwa.


  • Wu in Chinese means "five", corresponding to the fact that he is the fifth oldest Hulu Brother.


Gallery →
